
Imagine having a massage oil, fragrance or body care product created specially for your needs!

Aromatology consultation and formulation is about creating bespoke products to enhance your wellbeing. It is also a holistic approach which takes into account not only your present needs, but any issues from the past that may influence them, so as to ensure that your product provides you optimal benefits and suits your lifestyle.

Individual consultancy

What is an aromatic consultation?

The initial appointment takes about an hour and involves you filling out an intake form which includes details about your specific needs and basic history of any past or present underlying conditions which we need to be aware of, for example allergies to nuts, so as to ensure that our products fully meet your expectations.

Why does the intake form matter?

Essential oils are extremely potent concentrations of chemical components that can positively effect your wellbeing. However, a few of these chemical components may interact with certain conditions such as diabetes, blood-pressure, allergies, asthma and certain medication you may be taking so its important that you share this information to help us chose the best choice of essential oils for your formulations. 

Any information you share with us remains strictly confidential.

  • You can download the intake form to fill in before to your appointment HERE

How much does it cost?

Individual Consultancy

The first appointment takes about one hour where we discuss your concerns and needs, explore what oils may benefit you best, what scents you prefer and establish what methods of application and absorption can suit your lifestyle. I then prepare the products* for you. I formulate and craft these myself so it may take a few days depending on your choices. I will contact you when they are ready to be picked up.

For personal reasons or if you are based on an outer island overseas do you wish an online consultation?

Contact me if you require an online consultation which can be arranged at an agreed time through ZOOM.

We will discuss your needs in the same way as a face-to-face consultation. I’ll be able to formulate any products* you may need and, if you are on an outer island or overseas, I’ll be able to post them to you.

*Consultations do not include products which must be purchased separately

Consultancy for spas and companies

Does your company need a signature range of products?

Manongi runs a consultancy to offer guidance and creation of signature products for spas, hotels and companies.

Using organic and natural ingredients Manongi ensures all the elements needed to provide your clients with a luxurious and relaxing experience.

If you would like further information about creating a signature range of products, please get in touch with us HERE

What methods of application are there?

There exist different methods of using the essential oils, such as inhalation, diffusion, aromatic baths or showers, ointments or compresses. I will discuss with you the best and most efficient approach corresponding to your needs that is equally convenient to your life-style.

Click on the images below to find out more about more about methods of absorption

In what ways can essential oils benefit your wellbeing?

When something smells good, it makes us feel good!

Essential oil products are helpful for enhancing wellbeing through their uplifting, rejuvenating, calming, relaxing and soothing properties.

There are many ways in which aromas impact the way we feel, certain scents bring up memories, reminders of a stroll on a beach, a walk in a forest, a hike in a mountain, or the favourite flowers our grandmothers grew in their garden… These happy memories are translated by our brain into pleasurable feelings which, in turn, have beneficial affects on our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

You can read about how essential oils can support our emotional wellbeing HERE